How we can help you

No matter what stage of life you are at, our approach to help you is likely to fall into one of the following stages of The Wealth Cycle

And, no matter what stage of The Wealth Cycle you are at, and what your financial objectives that you would like to achieve are, we will design solutions around your personal circumstances using our essential principles that we mould around you:

  • Planning and investing your wealth to provide you and your loved ones with long-term financial security. 
  • Growing your wealth and providing maximum tax relief on that wealth so you can tangibly benefit. 
  • Protecting your wealth from unnecessary tax and stealth costs amid the volatile, uncertain, complex world we live in. 
  • Achieving your financial goals by working in partnership through meticulous planning, excellent communication and keeping the process stress-free.

The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than the amount invested.

The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time. The value of any tax relief depends on individual circumstances.

The Wealth Cycle explained

During our lives we develop, transition and grow financially over different key stages. 

This can be viewed almost like a ‘Wealth Cycle’ because sometimes, some of the stages can overlap, reflecting our life, or even repeat if our wealth passes through the generations. For instance, the challenges we face in a wealth succession planning stage, can often provide an opportunity for others at the wealth creating stage. Therefore our planning is holistic and explores all four stages and we focus on what is relevant to you and your individual circumstances and financial objectives. In other words, we carefully consider and evaluate your long-term future when building your financial plan.

Typically, when a client meets with us, they have already accumulated some wealth. Perhaps through surplus income, or maybe they have received a legacy. Or, perhaps, they have sold their business and are looking for an income from the net proceeds. 

Our role at Flora Stamato Limited is to then look at the fundamentals of the Wealth Cycle to help achieve your financial objectives at milestones, that are significant and relevant to you. In-between the key stages, we recognise the importance of living a lifestyle you desire with some wealth too, whilst also putting in place protection against risks, such as premature death.

The stages of the wealth cycle